Gluten Free Veggie grilled sandwich

Gluten Free Veggie grilled sandwich

This sandwich is not for the faint hearted but tastes great and has great texture. We have put the ingredients for two people.


8 slices of gluten free bread ( We used Warburton’s super soft sliced white rolls)

4 small sweet red peppers

1 red onion

220g of Tender stem Broccoli (Halved and stalks cut down)

2tbsp of pesto

2tbsp of olive oil

1tbsp of balsamic vinegar

250g of mature cheddar cheese

a knob of butter

salt and pepper to taste


To begin with dice the onion, peppers and put in a mixing bowl.

Then cut the broccoli in half and cut the stems slightly shorter (So they can fit in your bread) Once the broccoli is cut put in the mixing bowl with the onions and pepper and add the oil, balsamic vinegar and salt and pepper.

Once the vegetables are thoroughly mixed put on a baking tray and cook in the oven for 30 minutes on a heat of 180C.

Whilst the vegetable is cooking you can prepare your sandwich by spreading pesto on each slice before putting a generous amount of cheese on top of the pesto on four slices of the bread

Once the vegetables are cooked put them carefully on top of the cheese and pesto before putting another lot of cheese on top.

Once your sandwich is full put the slices of bread that just have pesto on top.

Once the sandwich is made cook up some butter in a griddle pan and cook on each side for 3 minutes ( Or until the cheese is melted and the bread brown)

Once cooked plate up and enjoy 🙂